A Sweet Idea

Powerpoint animation

An exciting new food brand wanted a fresh look to help convince investors that sugar could be replaced with a healthy, great-tasting alternative.

The idea was world-changing – but their existing deck was anything but. It lacked personality, proof, or a story. The inventor’s backstory was key to selling the proposition – and because she was absent in the pitch, it was failing to land with investors, who were essentially backing her and her idea.

We went back to the drawing board on this one, with a day-long workshop to explore the unique story behind the product and the founder herself. Dipping into the science to find proof points, we developed a compelling story, which we turned into a slick, consumer-ready animation in a Prezi-style that pushed the limits of Powerpoint and brought to life the story behind the brand. The animation was used to gauge interest in the proposition, with a longer Powerpoint presentation created as a follow-up.